Has juggling passwords made your head hurt? Join the club, more like, a multitude. Reports have been coming up about how more and more users struggle when it comes to passwords. This is not just about remembering them, across multiple accounts. It also includes the anxiety of knowing that the password used is a cybersecurity vulnerability. Best password manager firm however say that all is not lost yet.
Truth be told, most people using passwords are not experts in cybersecurity. Therefore, when setting passwords up, the goal is usually about the ease of recall rather than safety. That is why most use weak and easy to guess passwords.
Additionally, these passwords are used across different accounts. Which means, once hackers guessed it, they gained access to all these platforms as well. Classic passwords like ‘123456’ or ‘000000’ have caused more breaches than imaginable.
Mix this up with the fact that cyber criminals are pros at cracking passwords. Human error of password fatigue only makes it easier for them to get their plans rolling. Hence the rising statistics and news we hear and read about regarding security breaches.
Best password manager
Password managers are software tools that help fix this human error of password overload. The best password manager generates the password for the user for every account used. The passwords are created using a random mix of letters and numeric that are difficult to guess or remember. It also safely stores and remembers these passwords, so the user doesn’t have to yet be able to access their accounts quickly.
With the best, right and reliable password manager, it already alleviates the user from worrying about being the door from which a breach got through. Rather, you are assured that your company data is safe.
Do not get overwhelmed with all the data you see online when you look up password management. We can assist you with that. From choosing the most reliable system out, setting up the password manager and maintaining it, we got you covered. Talk to one of our consultants so we can tailor-make a plan for you.